Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February 6, 2014 - Week 5

Wow! It´s crazy how time flies! Seriously though... It kinda feels like I just got here and now I'm leaving on tuesday! Anyway, this week has been a pretty good one, but I also kinda feel like I´m stuck in a rut. My Spanish doesn´t really feel like it´s improving, but I´m working hard on it! It´s the verb conjugating that is the hardest I think. Also, I can understand a lot of things and pretty much understand what people tell me in Spanish, my problem is that I can´t respond! Anyway... It´ll come!
So honestly I´m pretty sad about leaving the CCM. I´ve have gotten so close with all of the girls here and I love my district. BUT I´m really excited to see Paraguay and what it has in store for me! Also, the weather when we get there is supposed to be....wait for it.....108 DEGREES! That is literally the high for the whole week I get there! And it´s like thunderstorms! Crazy how hot it is here. So I am pretty sure that I´ll be leaving to the airport at like 4 AM because that has been the pattern of all the other groups that have left for Paraguay. So I'm guessing, but I´ll find out for sure on Sunday or Monday. I don´t think my next email will be until next Monday because that will be my new P-day. Pretty sure. So don´t be expecting one on Thursday!

I´m really excited about the temple today! It´s the last time we´re going to the Buenos Aires and the next will be Asunción! Pretty exciting, eh?? We went proselyting on Saturday again. It was no bueno... It was raining off and on the whole entire time so a lot of people were just in their houses instead of on the streets, so we had to clap (knock) a lot of doors. It´s pretty scary when you first start doing it, but then it gets easy, and rejection gets even easier! Haha! We had a new area this time and me and Hermana Argyle´s was probably the worst. The area was really close to where our teacher, Hermano Pedersen, lives so he told us what to expect. He said that our area was mainly residential and there were like no stores in it. Kinda sucks because everyone else seemed to have some really good stuff in their area. Like a few people went to McDonalds (which is really expensive here apparently, but I haven´t been so I don´t know) and some people had full on grocery stores so they got to go and buy stuff. Hermana Miller (she´s in the other district that we came with) got like shampoo and stuff. And Elder Turley in my district, got like 16 alfajors! Ok so alfajors are like super delicious! Everyone here is in love with them! Since I couldn´t buy one, I bought one from him when we got back to the CCM! Hahahaha! Anyway.. an alfajor is like a chocolate covered oreo/cookie type thing. SO GOOD! Haha, but I guess it´s ok that our area didn´t have many stores, because it gave us a chance to clap at more doors and be courageous! But since it was so humid and wet from all the rain... I literally got eaten alive by mesquitos! Like I think I counted about 32 bites in all and that number has increased since proseltying. It's been really itchy and annoying, but a great lesson that next time I need to use my Terrashield! (BTW-mom how many drops do you put in that spray bottle again with how much water?) It was a good experience though! Also me and my companion had the best area in our last proselyting area, so it would only be fair that we had the worst this time.... ;) HAHA! We go again this week! It´ll be our last time so that will be interesting!
The new North Americans got here last Thurday after we went to the temple. They´re pretty cool, I guess. All the sisters are really nice, and I don´t really know about the elders. We play volleyball with them at physical activity so that´s pretty fun. They are a lot better at Spanish, though, than we were when we first got here. IT´s kinda crazy. Also one of the girls has the same birthday as me, so that´s kinda good/not cool. I am just rambling now, so sorry!
I love you guys all so much and I can´t wait to tell you how Paraguay is! It´s getting real now.... I´m really a representative of Jesus Chirst! I love this gospel so much and know that I'm exactly where I´m supposed to be!
Love, Hermana Whittaker

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