Wednesday, August 27, 2014

August 25, 2014 - Week 34

I am glad to hear that you guys had a good week, especially in Lake Powell and stuff.. But, I most definitely had a GREAT week. Seriously. It was so good. So, let´s start out with talking about what happened last week. Haha, so remember how there was a zone conference?? Well, I forgot to say, but at this zone conference, during my interview with President, he told me--and also my companion...but in her interview--that the elders that are in Aratiri have an investigator that is a girl who is 19 years old and that he wants US to teach her. He told us that he just feels like we should be the ones to teach her and that it is a lot better. Like she can have a true conversion and stuff--if you get what I am saying... Well, anyway, we accepted, of course, and we actually knew this girl cuz she had been at church the week before, as the investigator of the elders. Her name is Elsa. So, we were pretty excited to get to teach her. I will be honest, one of the elders was pretty mad/sad that we were ´´taking´´ his investigator. But, it´s fine. So, anyways, this Tuesday we went to visit her cuz the elders told us that that was the best day for her. We went to her house with the elders and they broke the news to her that we were going to be the ones teaching her instead of them. And, she was like totally fine with it. So, then we started to get to know her better and stuff and my companion asked her if she had any questions about what she read in the Book of Mormon--cuz the elders left her a chapter to read. She had some really good questions and stuff and was like telling us that she knows that there is a God and stuff, but she just has a lot of fear that she will disappoint Him. Like not being able to keep all of His commandments and stuff. And she just had these questions for us and we answered them and it was just a really, really great lesson. Super spiritual and when she started talking about how she was a bit scared--like scared to receive an answer or scared to do things wrong... My companion pulls out Isaiah 41:10. And, of course, I was thinking the exact scripture. And it was perfect. She like cried and stuff and the Holy Ghost was just SOOOOO strong and stuff. I had like tears in my eyes and yeah... Just a really good lesson. She accepted that when she receives an answer, she will get baptized and stuff, and we left her 2 Nephi 4 to read.

So, that was such a blessing for us. My companion has been working with that guy Ever for like so long, and he just like lost his desire. We can´t find him anymore and he just doesn´´t want to try anymore to change his life around. So, the fact that the Lord gave us this opportunity to teach and help Elsa... Is just great. We are just SO grateful for her. Especially cuz then, this happened... We were of course going to pass by her house to take her to church with us this week. So, we call her up on Saturday to tell her, she says sure, and then Sunday, we got up and ready and then went to pick her up. We had to take a colectivo cuz it was actually in the Stake Center, cuz we had a conference this week. It was like a conference for the area. So, it was for all of Paraguay and Uruguay. So, it was cool that she came with us cuz it was a conference. So, we went to the Stake Center all together, and then THAT was just great. One, because I got to see EVERYONE from Itaugua--exclamtions points-- ...the explanation point doesn´t work on this computer... So, I was SO happy. All the families that I love so dearly were there and I got to see and talk to everyone. The best, was that the familia Maldonado was there and when I went to go talk to them, they were so happy to see me. Then, they tell me to turn around..cuz I was just facing and talking to the three girls..and there is Saúl. And, not only was it Saúl, but it was Saúl in Sunday clothes with his hair cut and everything--more exclamation points-- I WAS ABOUT TO CRY. He looked so different. A completely different person. And he is just so happy. And his family is just soooo happy. And I just love that they have been able to find true happiness as a family together.

So, that was just like SUCH a cool experience for me. So, anyway, that was the first reason this conference was just grand. Then, secondly, it was because it was so sprititual. Like, the talks were just great. The ex-president of the area talked and then some other guy from the 70 and then a sister and then Elder Bednar. It was awesome. Seriously, he gave a cool talk about repentance and not only repentance, but how we need to TRULY repent and stuff. So, that was cool, and then THIRD... Is because we had another lesson with Elsa, after the conference in the chapel and it was life-changing.
So, we go into a classroom and we have 2 members with us to share with us and we first ask her how she liked the conference and she told us that she really really liked it a lot and stuff. Then, we start the lesson and my companion asks her if she had a chance to read the part in the Book of Mormon that we left her, and she tells us yes, and then my companion asks her if she knows if the Book of Mormon is the word of God. She tells us yes. Then my companion asks her if she has her answer about the Church of Jesus Christ and if it is His true church. She says, I am SURE that it is the true church. So, right away, it was a great lesson. Then, we teach about the gospel of Jesus Christ and the lesson is just great and then after an awesome lesson, my companion asks her. So, Elsa, will you be baptized on the 6th of September?? And she says yes. Then, she tells us something beautiful... She tells us,´´ I know that it is real... Because if it wasn´t, I wouldn´t be feeling the same as you guys feel in this exact moment..´´ She is so true. I am serious, the spirit was SOOO strong in this moment. I was crying, she was crying, my companion was crying.... It was just the best feeling in the world. So, she has her baptismal date and everything and I am telling you... She seriously was prepared by the Lord. And I know that we were supposed to teach her and that President knew that. There was not one problem or doubt that she had about the elders teaching her. It wasn´t that there could have been a possible problem or really she wasn´t interested in the church. It wasn´t about them at all. It was her true desire to really know if this is Christ´s church. And she has her answer now.

The Hermanas with Elsa
I love this work more than anything and moments like this makes everything worth it. Maybe I am missing out on boating a bit, or other activities with the family. Maybe I can´t listen to all the music that I want to or maybe I can´t watch movies that I want.. But, I would not trade this for the world. I have no doubt in the world that this is Christ´s church. His ONLY church and that we can return and live with Him again if we do what He asks us to do. And I just LOVE being a missionary.
Movie night activity with some of the Elders
Soooooo.. That happened this week. Also, we had like a movie night outside in another ward and so that was fun. It was like a projector and stuff. And, after, we all--7 OF US... Us 2, the elders, and 3 members--had to ride in this tiny moto truck with a bunch of equipment to get back to our area. That was pretty nuts, I´ll be honest. But, that is my week. I am so happy to be a missionary here in Paraguay and help people here in Aratiri. I love it more than life-muchos exclamation points-

LOVE, Hermana Whittaker

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

August 18, 2014 - Week 33

So this week was pretty fun, to be honest. We had a really really full week, so it felt like it went by so fast! It was crazy. But, it was fun.

So, we started off with a mini division with the Herm! ana Leaders. That was pretty good. They called us like Tuesday morning to ask us if we could do divisions after the district meeting that day. We said sure, but that we had choir practice in the night (other story...). So they both came into our area and we did a small 4 hour division in our area, the four of us. So after the meeting, Hermana Gutierrez and Hermana Hunt came to Aratiri. I KNEW that I wouldn`t be with Hermana Hunt cuz it was just too good to be true. And, I wasn`t... :( But I did get to see her and that was good enough for me! I can`t even believe it, but she has like a year now in the mission! It is so crazy how fast the time goes! But, anyway, I went with Hermana Gutierrez and we had a few lessons. I didn`t get TOO lost in my new area so that was good. Haha but it was pretty fun. 

So then after we had choir practice. There was a competition with the different wards in our stake to sing and then the winner will sing for the Stake Conference or something. So, our ward, Aratiri, took it really seriously and we had choir practice every night this past week. We got really good and even had a pianist that is the boyfriend of one of the girls in our ward. We sang, ``I`m Trying to be like Jesus``. So, Friday came and we had our performance. It went good! We most definitely won the competition. Well, it wasn`t like there was much competition, to be honest... Like only three wards performed and we went definitely the best. So, we will be singing in the Stake Conference. But, that went really good. But, me and my companion received a surprise that night. So, after all the wards sang, the Stake President went up to give a talk. As he was talking, he decided to take us by surprise and asked us... The hermana missionaries to come up and sing with him Joseph Smith`s First Prayer... So we did!! And it was really good! So that was pretty fun!! Then, we went outside and ate some cake because it was someone`s birthday. And then we ate Lomito with the Elders.
But, also something else that happened was we had a Zone Conference on Wednesday. That was pretty good, just also spiritually exhausting. Seriously. It was like a ton of practices cuz while we were doing the practices, President McMullin was doing interviews with the missionaries. What we had to do was ridiculous! We had to teach The Restoration in 15 minutes and then talk about how we could do better for 5 minutes and then do it AGAIN in 15 minutes!! Talk about crazy. And not only that, but we had to do that with The Plan of Salvation, The Sabbath Day, and ``God Reveals His Gospel in Every Dispensation``. It was really hard, that last one... But, it was good cuz we learned a lot. Also, we were quizzed on how well we know the scriptures. Like there are 100 that we need to learn. So, it was a LONG day. Also, I had a interview with the President and it went well! Also, I got a new temple recommend.

ALSO... I got my package!! I just wanna say THANK YOU! It was so great!! I was sooo happy to receive those goldfish!! YUM! You can bet that I ate almost all of them like the minute I opened them! But, thank you so much cuz I have now a brush and I love that nail polish! And the photos! I just loved that!! They are so cute and I have showed them to just about everyone! The one of me in the front is so funny. I just tell people that it is cuz my birthday is on Halloween.... ;) But seriously... It was so great to receive that package!!
So that is about all for this week. It was full of tons of stuff, but really productive and super fast! I can`t believe that it is already Monday! Also, on Saturday, my companion got sick from some food that we ate at a member`s house. Not like super sick, but she had to stay in the house for a few house and rest a bit. So that is all that happened!! I love you guys so much and I hope you have a fantastic week. LOVE YOU TONS!
Love, Hermana Whittaker

Thursday, August 14, 2014

August 11, 2014 - Week 32

Well, this week was a pretty good one. I am still getting to know the area and stuff and getting to know the members. Everyone is pretty cool here. Really tranquilo. We didn`t have too much success with numbers and stuff. There were like 2 days that we weren`t feeling too good so we didn`t get a ton done... But, it was a good week. We have an investigator named Ever that my companion has been working with for like a few months and he was like all ready to get baptized and stuff, but he is waiting for like a document to be ready so that he can be baptized. I think that it is just something legal that he is waiting for. But, he was all ready to go and he like gave up smoking and everything for like 2 months. Then.... His document wasn`t ready in time and he got sad about it and just recently started smoking again. Like my first week here. And so we have been trying to find him to figure out what happened and stuff and we just barely found him this week. Like on Wednesday. And really, he told us that he wants to get baptized and change his life and stuff... But we just don`t know what he is going to really do about it. So, that was really sad and hard for my companion, cuz she has like worked SO hard with this guy for such a long time. But, we are going to see what happens and see if he really has this desire to change. So, as for investigators, that is about it. We haven`t found anyone too cool yet... But we are gonna really look for some people that can progress this week.

This week we became pretty close, my companion and I. She is cool and we are just really good friends. She is laughing at me like all the time. Even when I`m not trying to be funny. HAHA so it`s always a good time. It`s just a really fun companionship. This week on Saturday, we had the youth activity thing called Zion to the Rescue. I was like SOOO excited to go cuz I would get to see Hermana Morales... And guess what. SHE DIDN`T COME!!! Her new companion was like really sick, so I understand why she couldn`t come. But, still... Haha it was a bit sad. But, I sent with Hermana Meese the pictures that I printed out of all the people in Itaugua that I wrote on so that Hermana Morales can pass them out to all the families. So that was like all that happened in Zion to the Rescue. It was pretty lame this time, honestly. But also, Hermana Meese gave me a note that the familia Portillo wrote me! It was so cute and just made my day. She also gave me the news that Belèn was getting baptized that day. So, in the night I called Hermana Morales and she told me that Belèn got baptized and that she is so happy and that things are going great. She said that Belèn was a little bit sad cuz I wasn`t there to see it, but that she is so happy. So that made me really happy!

So that is about all for this week. Nothing TOO special. We are going to do a diet called the ``soup diet``. That should be fun. We also have been practicing for choir this whole week with our ward cuz there is going to be some sort of competition of choirs with all of the wards in our stake this coming week?? I don`t really understand what is going on, but it has been fun! Today for P-day we played volleyball with our zone, but then left cuz the elders started to play soccer and none of the hermanas wanted to play. But, it was pretty fun. I am excited to see how this next week goes. Sorry this week is so short! But nothing too interesting happened. 

Also,  something else that is cool is that I logged on to my email and had 19 emails! WOO!


Love, Hermana Whittaker

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August 4, 2014 - Week 31

Ok... So everything is definitely super different. But, it is also really good. So let`s start with the beginning of this week... Monday in the night time, we went to visit Saùl and he was doing just great. Getting prepared for his baptism and stuff. Then, we told them about the changes. They were sad and said that the didn`t want me to leave, but like as for Saùl... He was still good for baptism! So, that was cool! I said bye to all of them and stuff and it was sad... But I was just so happy that Saùl was making this decision and that he really has just changed so much. It is really so cool to think about how far he has come and progressed. So that happened Monday.

Hermana Whittaker with Familia Portillo

And then came Tuesday.... The hardest day of my mission so far...... So, we went to say goodbye to like ALLLL the families in Itaugua. I was doing pretty good, you know, with saying bye and being ok with it. Everyone was pretty sad and I was like SOOO sad... But, I was trying to keep it all together. So we were about 3 families in and we were walking to the Portillo house and I see Angel. So, I went over to tell him what was happening, and also to give him his triple (cuz he got baptized...the missionaries give a triple). When we told him... He started to cry. And he just threw his arms around me and hugged me. And he just couldn`t stop crying. It was horrible. I felt so sad! So, I have like tears in my eyes and all... Uhhh. It was just so hard! I never would have thought that he would react like that! I couldn`t believe it. So, after that, we went to the Portillo house..... Yeah. I was bawling. It was so hard to say goodbye to them! Even though I know that I will for sure come back to see them before I leave... It was so hard!! Hermana Portillo was just crying, I was crying, EVERYONE WAS CRYING. But, it was ok. Cuz, I know that I will see them again and we will always stay in touch. But, it was still so hard. Then, we went to familia Flores and then Mendez... And then we had a farewell party for Hermana Francois (cuz she finished her mission) and they also kinda made it for me. They made me say some words and like bear my testimony. So that was so sweet of them. I just love Itaugua! And when I told everyone where I was going, they all said... ``Oh! That is so close! We will definitely see you around!`` (Cuz, literally, Aratiri is like 25 minutes away from Itaugua). So it was just a really hard and sad and good few last days in Itaugua.

Hermana Whittaker & Hermana Francois

It was hard to say goodbye to Hermana Morales, but everything will be fine. She is literally like my best friend and I KNOW we will see eachother around. Plus, she told me she is going to go to Utah after the mish... ;)

Ok, so changes. We got to the office like at 7 in the morning on Wednesday and waited around for a while. I got to see like everyone who was in the CCM with me, so that was fun. Then, my companion got there. And we went to my new area! So, it is pretty normal, but a whole lot smaller than Itaugua. Like you can walk the whole thing. So, that was cool. Also, our house is pretty cute. It is just a small house with a small kitchen, bathroom, and two rooms (one to sleep and one to study) and it is in the backyard of a member`s house. I really like it! It was a bit weird at first, only living in two... But I am used to it now and it is fun! Ok. So, now let`s talk about my new companion. Hermana Pelicò is from Guatemala. She is just about done with her mission... Only has 5 weeks left, now. And is awesome! We actually are really good friends and get along great. We both are talking all the time and it is just super fun. I have also learned a lot from her from just watching how she teaches in the lessons and stuff. So things are great with her! I am learning the area and we are getting to know each other. Well, like we are already pretty good friends, so that is really good! :)

Hermana Whittaker & Hermana Pelico

So, Wednesday, we got to know a few people, and then in the night, the ward had an activity for El Dìa de Amistad (Friendship Day). Then, Thursday I got to know a lot of the area and a lot of the members that live in our area. Then, Friday... Was my companion`s birthday! So we kinda just had a party all day. I bought her a cake and then there was a member who gave us hot chocolate to celebrate, and then, at the night, we had a party with the members who live in front of us! They made hotdogs and had a cake for her! So, it was a really fun and special day for her. Then, Saturday comes along, and we did a service activity. We went to a recent convert`s house in the Elders` area (that is another thing... we are like actually friends with the elders here...And it isn`t like that in Itaugua!) and helped them paint their house! It took a while, so that is like all of what we did that day. And then, we watched Charly with them. Which is like a movie about the church... Haha it was so fun and the family is just awesome. They are a complete family that got baptized like 2 months ago and are already preparing to go to the temple in a year. So Saturday was like way fun. Then, Sunday, we went to church, I got to know some more members, and then ate lunch with that same family in the Elders` area to celebrate Hermana Pelicò`s birthday. Then, today.. For P-day, we went to San Lorenzo (which is like WAY close now) to eat Pizza Hut with the elders and some other Hermana`s. Hermana Morales and her companion couldn`t come, but Hermana Meese and her new companion did. It was fun!

Hermana Whittaker & Pelico at mall for P-Day

So, yeah, I miss Itaugua. I love the people and they will always have a special place in my heart. But, so far, Aratiri is awesome and I love this change! It has been going super great here. I am excited to see how things go this change. So, that is about all. I know... It`s like so long. But, so much has happened this week! I am glad that you guys had so much fun, too. Have another great week! 

LOVE, Hermana Whittaker

P.S.--I talked to Hermana Morales and Saùl got baptized this Saturday and he couldn`t be happier!!! :)